Do you look after someone who cannot manage without you? This could be a family member, friend or neighbour who, because of disability, illness or frailty, cannot manage on their own.
If so you are a carer, and you are entitled to support for yourself.
CarersMK can help carers by providing:
- Up to date information and advice
- Training to help you with your caring role
- Somebody to talk to in confidence
- Opportunities to meet other carers
- Access to events and relaxation therapies
Every year more than two million people in the UK become Carers. Becoming a carer can be bewildering, confusing and frightening. No one is super human and all Carers need some support and back-up.
Recognising yourself as a carer is the first step to getting the support you need. Many of us do not see ourselves as carers: we are mums and dads, husbands, wives, partners, brothers, sisters, friends and neighbours.
We are simply doing what anyone would, caring unpaid for a loved one or friend, helping them through when they are unable to do things for themselves.
The fact is that you are also a carer and there are things that you need to know. No one likes to be labelled, but recognising yourself as a carer can be the gateway to getting a range of help and support.
Contact us
01908 231703
Interpreter service
If you, or a member of your family require an interpreter, please speak to the receptionist who will arrange for a member of the language service to be available at the time of your appointment.